Quanto è cambiato il mondo delle relazioni internazionali dalla fine del bipolarismo? Che significato hanno assunto termini come Soft Power o Hard Power? Si è veramente concluso il ruolo dello Stato-nazione? Mai come oggi è necessario interrogarsi sul futuro delle democrazie e dei popoli. Ecco alcuni dei quesiti a cui cerco di rispondere in questo articolo pubblicato su Revista Oasis.
In the aftermath of the Soviet collapse, we witnessed the end of the idea of a division of the world between good and bad, between capitalists and proponents of the planned economy, between right and left, between pro-Communists and pro-Americans; and again, disappeared the need of so many emerging countries to define themselves as a “third block” as opposed to the bipolar system. The economic idea of a first, second and third world could have been considered overcome. The world was forced to re-read itself and to understand that it was necessary to start thinking about international relations in a completely different way.
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